Backup and Restore Solutions SAN-NAS-TAPE-CLOUD
Backup and Restore Solutions SAN-NAS-TAPE-CLOUD

Information loss is common among computer users, with THEKA, your business data is safe.
Backup and Restore Solutions SAN-NAS-TAPE-CLOUD
Information loss is common among computer users, with THEKA, your business data is safe. We provide you with data backup solutions and keep them in a safe place that allows you to restore them in case of data loss or deletion.
Why cannot do without the backup process?
Backup is a mandatory process that must be done periodically and regularly according to the importance of the files, due to the damage and accidents that can affect files such as fires, deliberate sabotage and piracy, or damage to one of the computer components that carry the files, so backup copies of those files are made on external media and saved Away.
“Losing your files and business data is a disaster that can only be avoided by backup”
What is disaster recovery?
Disaster recovery is the process of resuming normal operations after a disaster that puts your organization at risk by restoring access to data, hardware, software, networking and communication equipment. Our activities may also extend to logistical considerations such as finding alternative worksites, in the event your facilities are damaged or destroyed.