Possibilities in surveillance cameras that many do not know

Possibilities in surveillance cameras that many do not know
Possibilities in surveillance cameras that many do not know!
Surveillance cameras are used by many to protect their homes or businesses, and it is an important part of home security today; However, many do not know the possibilities in it, and think that they are similar and there is no difference between them. The technologies used in cameras have evolved, including:
- Motion sensor: Most cameras are now equipped with a motion sensor that works to capture any movement that occurs around it.
- Infrared vision: to be able to record movement around it at night.
- Color night vision: This is to be able to see the recordings with higher clarity, as this feature depends on the presence of special sensors inside the camera that you use when there is the lowest level of illumination.
- Determining the exact location of the movement: Some cameras rely on a sensor to track the person’s movement, to show the person’s itinerary inside your home.
- Recognizing the people in the house: The cameras that rely on artificial intelligence can identify the people inside the house, by recognizing the faces.
- Automatic shutdown of cameras: Many refuse to install surveillance cameras due to fear for their privacy, but some cameras offer the feature of automatic shutdown when they sense your presence at home.